Toolbox Pro - a new app to extend Shortcuts

Hi everyone,

I’m making an app that extends the functionality of Shortcuts by adding a suite of new tools that are accessible in the Shortcuts app.

The idea is to enable everyone to use the most powerful frameworks on iOS any way they wish, without having to write a line of code. For example on-device text recognition, image classification, faceID, motion detection, image filtering and much more.

I’ve also built lots of quality-of-life tools that can drastically reduce the number of actions you need in your shortcuts. For example there’s a ‘save to iCloud’ tool which essentially lets you set global variables for your shortcuts without having to clutter up your iCloud Drive. You can also batch filter images, generate beautiful menus and icons, trim text, and so on.

Dillon mentioned the app a week or ago so after he saw my reddit post but I thought I’d post the TestFlight link here in case anyone fancies giving it a spin. You’ll need to be on a recent iOS 13 beta to use the app:

If you have any ideas for tools you’d like to see or hit any problems when running the app, please le me know!

I’m hoping to have the app ready for iOS 13 but if not, it’ll be shortly after.


I haven’t had a ton of time to dig into this app yet, but the iCloud value store alone is hugely valuable. Can’t wait to see what else I can do with this app. Thanks for making it!

Thanks! Lots more to come :slight_smile:

Thanks to this discussion I’ve setup a couple of Shortcuts to control my Roku.

I’m posting here because these simple shortcuts demonstrate a wonderful feature of Toolbox Pro… Global Variables. This was my first foray into use of Toolbox Pro and I’m quite impressed. The app is extremely comprehensive and very well designed — both the actions themselves within Shortcuts as well as the companion iOS app. Global Variables alone are worth use of the app.

Kudos to @mralexhay. Well done and good luck with your upcoming release in the App Store.

Roku Setup (one time)
Roku Channel Selection

Thanks for the kind words Brainy, I’m glad they’re of use to you! It’s incredibly exciting for me to start seeing people using the tools I’ve built.

If you have any shortcuts to share, I’d love to take a look.

For anyone coming to the thread now, I’m launching my companion app for Shortcuts next week on Wednesday 13th. If you want to be notified as soon as it’s available, you can pre-order here.

It’s a free download and is available on iPhone and iPad (iOS 13.2+).

The app gives you more than 50 powerful new actions to use within Shortcuts - from the iOS13 document scanner and on-device OCR to image filtering, manual NFC reading & writing, haptic feedback and lots more.

22 of the 56 tools are completely free to use - including Global Variables, which persist data between shortcuts, can be edited in the Toolbox Pro app and sync between your devices.

The Preview tool is also free - this lets your create really powerful, interactive app-like interfaces with buttons, images and embedded map views.

Let me know if you have any suggestions for new tools or feedback, thanks!


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Thank you for this handy App, I especially like the global variables. I use text files to save data, but sometimes I end up with multiple files containing different versions of a variable.

One feature request. :wink:
I don’t know if you have it on you to-do list, but is it possible to get the names of the months and days in the system language, in my case Dutch, when using the Format Date function?

Thanks for the kind words Frank!

I’m looking into localisation but need to weigh up how much of my time it would take going forward with being able to release new tools quickly and maintaining it.

To solve your problem though, you can actually use Shortcut’s own ‘Format Date’ tool and then select ‘Custom’ and use the unicode pattern for what you want to return.

I made a unicode cheat sheet to make this nice and easy :slight_smile:

Hope that helps!


Thanks, I saved the cheat sheet. This is how I was doing it in shortcuts. So this kind of localization is not something Xcode is providing.