Thanks for posting about Toolbox Pro, I’m the dev behind it. I’d love to know if you’ve had a chance to use it yet?
It’s my first app - I actually only got into coding after using Shortcuts and then Apple showed of SwiftUI earlier this year and I was like, I want to learn that!
It’s been fun to build in my spare time and I should be ready to release at launch or shortly after. Though app-review is a bit of an unknown quantity with this new type of app!
Clearly there’s going to be a selection of these sorts of tools coming out and it’s a fairly niche market but it’s certainly good for the Shortcuts & automation ecosystem.
I’ve been playing around with the Scanner feature for OCR, which works really well! Last couple of weeks were busy but I’ll do a deeper dive this week testing out the other features. So far, I can say that it adds a ton of functionality that was not previously available via Shortcuts.