Bumblebee - Swarm Checkin Shortcut - A Quick Way to Checkin to Locations with Swarm

I like to use the app Swarm to record everywhere I go. Unfortunately, I find the app’s interface tedious for checking in. There are some great third party apps for checking in such as Checkie and Chekky, however, none of these apps allow me to checkin with a sticker, which is what I want to do.

So, I’ve created a Shortcut called Bumblebee which allows me to quickly checkin to my favourite Swarm locations with a pre-defined sticker.


  • Checkin to a Swarm location with a sticker attached.
  • Add new favourite locations.
  • Export to:
    • Shortcuts - For Siri Checkins (just record a phrase with the generated Shortcut)
      • You could also create a Shortcut that checks in based on what WIFI you are connected to. Or:
      • Chain multiple checkins together into one custom shortcut. e.g. Checkin to the Shopping Centre and then checkin to the shop.
    • Launch Center Pro - Useful if you want to schedule notifications to checkin to a location when you are near that location.
    • Launcher
    • QR Code - For printing out and putting on the wall or on your desk to quickly checkin using the iOS Camera app.
    • Copy Link - For adding to whatever other app you like to use.
  • Update Checker built in - so if I make any updates to the Shortcut you will be prompted to download the latest version.


I still need to add some features to it, however, quite a few people have asked me to share it so I’m sharing it now. The following items are on my list of things to do:

  • Add the ability to edit/remove your favourite locations. Currently you have to manually edit the JSON file (Files app → /Shortcuts/Swarm/favourite-venues.json - you can edit with the Kodex app).
  • Improve the user-flow of updating the Shortcut. Currently it prompts to save your Client ID and Client Secret to the Notes app, but, this could probably just be saved to a JSON file and retrieved.
  • Improve peformance of loading stickers.

Initial Setup

  1. Create an app and get your Client ID and Client Secret at https://foursquare.com/developers/apps.
  2. Download the Shortcuts app if you don’t already have it installed.
  3. Download the Shortcut and Configure it with your Client ID and Client Secret.
  4. Run the Shortcut.

Known Issues

  • Some stickers don’t appear on checkins. (If anyone figures out what causes this, please let me know.)


You can download the latest version here:

Release Notes

1.0.1 - 12/08/2019 - Download Version 1.0.1

  • Fixed some issues with exporting to Launch Center Pro.

1.0.0 - 10/10/2018 - Download Version 1.0.0

  • Initial Version.


Sticker Reference

Below is a list of all the stickers and id’s that can be used by the Shortcut. Note that in my testing I haven’t been able to get all of them to work. You still have to have unlocked a sticker to use it.

Sticker name id
#BLESSED #BLESSED 5c142414dff815002c1b9753
007 007 53f28bf14b90933f78c3a699
16 Candles 16 Candles 52a65980000000000000001b
1UP 1UP 55a5827b498ed8544a24f1b3
4.5G Hızı 4.5G Hızı 56ddd2cf498ed4acc5bd5a7b
7-10 Split 7-10 Split 556ca858a7c872b6ca2fbd12
9 to 5 9 to 5 52a659800000000000000010
Aaron Burrito Aaron Burrito 5c14202735d3fc00397230cb
Ace Ace 55e5d335498e4c53ed280d35
Adventurer Adventurer 554149287b28d289d6e8e7d6
Ain't No Thang Ain’t No Thang 5963b5dcbab2f604cf80047f
Arnold Swarm-zenegger Arnold Swarm-zenegger 586bdd8303f98476aba59a59
Asana Asana 57f4176f498e733c21ea2b12
Avocutie Avocutie 5c1405552db4a9002c8344ad
Back to the Future Back to the Future 5626b992498e8278243a12d8
Baggs Baggs 55563bd52beaa0fbc4d1dc3f
Baked Baked 54b59bdfe50851c96b4e8c8c
Banksy Banksy 56bcefdb498e4cdea4430118
Bar Crawl Bar Crawl 554149287b28d289d6e8e7dc
Bar Fly Bar Fly 56311a17498ee3b68f196f61
Bargain Bin Bargain Bin 5963b5dcbab2f604cf800487
Beach Bum Beach Bum 52a659800000000000000017
Beau & Aero Beau & Aero 56bce971498e2dc398cec4e3
Beer? Beer? 54deabe37b281c13f4372938
Bender Bender 554149287b28d289d6e8e7db
Berry Nice Berry Nice 5963b5dcbab2f604cf800480
Bessie Bessie 52a659800000000000000019
Besties Besties 554149287b28d289d6e8e7de
Big Poppy Big Poppy 53f28c7d4b90933f78c3a69b
Blast Off! Blast Off! 561eb767498e9ed446d2d586
Bludolph Bludolph 567af720498e704469429921
Bogey Bogey 5963b5dcbab2f604cf80047e
Bon Appétit Bon Appétit 5963b5dcbab2f604cf800481
Bookworm Bookworm 53fe77df4b9048855b3648b5
Bowtie, No Tie Bowtie, No Tie 5c141f9235d3fc0039722fee
Braaains Braaains 562e9bf6498e619245831d4b
Bronzed Bronzed 57a4f6bb498e2c001f20dc3a
Bubbles & Slosh Bubbles & Slosh 567afbfc498e704469429aac
Buttons Buttons 52a65980000000000000000b
Cabbie Cabbie 54c6a1c1e5086476d5885476
Century Club Century Club 56044d1e498e4aba489fbae9
Charlie Charlie 5c1404ac2db4a9002c83438b
Cheese Moon Cheese Moon 5c14227a35d3fc0039723236
Chippy Chippy 554149287b28d289d6e8e7ec
Clippy Clippy 54b59d7de50827cdc0f45206
Commuter Commuter 53f28ce24b90933f78c3a69c
Cone of Happiness Cone of Happiness 58c87a06e72ef679663ae094
Couch Surfer Couch Surfer 56bcec19498e2dc398cec5eb
Crunked Crunked 554149287b28d289d6e8e7ef
Crushin' It Crushin’ It 5963b5dbbab2f604cf800477
Cumhuriyet Cumhuriyet 580e5e4e498e9ebe37a0d698
Curtain Call Curtain Call 57f6cd0b498e3d4707834583
Dad Bod Dad Bod 558452b5a7c886e244f90c15
Dark & Swarmy Dark & Swarmy 53f28d184b90933f78c3a69d
Deuce Deuce 53fe75874b9048855b3648b0
Do Not Disturb Do Not Disturb 554149287b28d289d6e8e7e2
Dog’s Best Friend Dog’s Best Friend 52a659800000000000000008
Dom Dom 554149287b28d289d6e8e7ed
Drained Drained 5615466e498ed1fcdc800758
Dreidel Dreidel 566478a1498ef69e1c288574
Drogon Drogon 55258434a0ca7e8d1fc2c274
Droid Droid 554163ba7b28cbfc2359965d
Dumps Dumps 5935844a6a59503099952591
Döner Döner 59838f7d75cb8c70bf0248ad
Earl of Sandwich Earl of Sandwich 52a65980000000000000001f
Endeavour Endeavour 5489f15de508c175773cbebb
ETA? ETA? 54c6a1abe5086476d5885472
Explorer Explorer 554149287b28d289d6e8e7d7
Family Ties Family Ties 55ba8966498e6d52e3aa2b4e
Famous Ray Famous Ray 52a659800000000000000011
Fanatic Fanatic 53fe77894b9048855b3648b2
Fiery Fiery 52a659800000000000000001
Fixie Fixie 52a65980000000000000001d
Flap Jack Flap Jack 554149287b28d289d6e8e7e8
Foodie Foodie 56312102498e50c6f99f1d9b
Foursquare Day Foursquare Day 552d50a66aca8831b5c0ddc4
Fried Check-in Fried Check-in 52a65980000000000000001e
Friendly Friendly 554149287b28d289d6e8e7e1
General Tso General Tso 554149287b28d289d6e8e7ea
Globetrotter Globetrotter 5746045c498e6b6cf03be43b
Goldie Goldie 57a4ff5b498e247219ce7980
Gooooooal Gooooooal 55720553a7c803d24645d620
Grace Hopper Grace Hopper 5ba12ea5029a55002cd2d9ab
Gravy Gravy 5654f4e0498e238ba72bf9ae
Groupie Groupie 52a65980000000000000000f
Grumpy Cat® Grumpy Cat® 5609915d498e96820a89c489
Gym Rat Gym Rat 54651f44e508898fa4176816
Hangover Hangover 554149287b28d289d6e8e7ee
Happy Camper Happy Camper 5963b5dcbab2f604cf80048b
Heart Container Heart Container 52a65980000000000000000d
Herbivore Herbivore 55a54dc5498e16308ddc1d26
Home Sweet Home Home Sweet Home 5c14246b35d3fc003972342d
Homie Homie 543d52d9c2e6112f23b382d9
Hops Hops 55563bc12beaa0fbc4d1dc3e
Hot Tamale Hot Tamale 52a659800000000000000018
House Party House Party 55ba7e9e498ec4fad509d1b5
I'm on a Boat I’m on a Boat 554149287b28d289d6e8e7f2
Iced Iced Baby Iced Iced Baby 5b05d90966fc650039d097d0
iScream iScream 52a659800000000000000020
İnce Belli İnce Belli 5a0e07bc8a6f175880cd93b9
Jalapeño Pete Jalapeño Pete 57b2283ba7c8fb4192ba3365
Jargarita Jargarita 56ddba97498ec9ff430f9835
Jetsetter Jetsetter 54b59bd0e50851c96b4e8c8a
Joey Beans Joey Beans 52a659800000000000000006
Jon Ham Jon Ham 5963b5dcbab2f604cf80047d
Juice Springsteen Juice Springsteen 5963b5dbbab2f604cf800470
Kimchi Kimchi 5c142159dff815002c1b954a
Kupo Kupo 52a659800000000000000005
Laces Out Laces Out 55f1ed3b498e1822d8c91e1a
Lappy Toppy Lappy Toppy 53fe77e54b9048855b3648b6
Leap Day William Leap Day William 56d08feb498e1c9349e4db72
Let it Ride Let it Ride 556cb834a7c872b6ca2fbd13
Life Aquatic Life Aquatic 53f637554b901073877d7613
Lisa Lisa 52a659800000000000000002
Local Local 554149287b28d289d6e8e7d9
Mall Rat Mall Rat 554149287b28d289d6e8e7e5
Manny Quin Manny Quin 5963b5dbbab2f604cf800478
Matt Matt 5963b5dcbab2f604cf800482
Maxed Out Maxed Out 5542604d7b2899aaa467be3f
Mayor Slayer Mayor Slayer 55883956498ef893954b6b74
Mic Drop Mic Drop 554149287b28d289d6e8e7f1
Miyamoto Miyamoto 55fc1995498e7603befdad2b
Momma Knows Best Momma Knows Best 5900bf6aacb00b259c617803
Monumental Monumental 5963b5dbbab2f604cf800473
Mr. Jitters Mr. Jitters 554149287b28d289d6e8e7dd
Mr. Noodles Mr. Noodles 57fbaacc498e4805f8ea2971
Mr. Tea Mr. Tea 589e34b6ed0a327bd64c20ad
Mrs. Wafels Mrs. Wafels 5c1422cb35d3fc00397232a6
Naan Sense Naan Sense 5963b5dcbab2f604cf80047c
Napster Napster 52a65980000000000000001a
Nay Nay 5547a5437b28e712c2f05efa
Nerd Nerd 5489f152e508c175773cbeb9
Newbie Newbie 543847324b909c2fb9aae4c0
Oh Hey Oh Hey 54c6a1b1e5086476d5885473
Old Glory Old Glory 5963b5dbbab2f604cf80047b
Opa Opa 5963b5dbbab2f604cf800479
Oscar Oscar 59485fa423a2e668ee374ab1
Overshare Overshare 554149287b28d289d6e8e7da
Parker Parker 5963b5dcbab2f604cf800483
Patty Patty 554149287b28d289d6e8e7e4
Pin Pin 5b60a3dde57ca6002cc2d565
Pizza Owl Pizza Owl 554147027b28d289d6e8e7b7
Porky Porky 554149287b28d289d6e8e7e9
Pride Pride 5b106a4086bc49002c4c6fa6
Prost! Prost! 55fc1d73498eea0f8769594e
Proud Mary Proud Mary 53f28c414b90933f78c3a69a
Purple Haze Purple Haze 553522fdd2cad5de228962d1
Rack Overflow Rack Overflow 53fe76324b9048855b3648b1
Rails Rails 54c6a1c5e5086476d5885477
Red Nose Day Red Nose Day 5734b6a0498e8eb27d52ed8d
Retail Therapy Retail Therapy 53f2863b4b90933f78c3a694
Return to Sender Return to Sender 5963b5dcbab2f604cf800486
Rip Van Benchy Rip Van Benchy 52a65980000000000000000c
Rollin' Deep Rollin’ Deep 56044977498e4aba489fb959
Rosey Rosey 54de43737b28934ff8a9f083
Rylyse Rylyse 59aec4671fa7635646277357
Saturday Night Fever Saturday Night Fever 5963b5dcbab2f604cf800485
Sax Of All Trades Sax Of All Trades 5c14239b35d3fc0039723349
Schmear Schmear 5963b5dbbab2f604cf800471
Shades Shades 52a659800000000000000015
Shelly Lac Shelly Lac 5963b5dbbab2f604cf800472
Shutterbug Shutterbug 56424f7a498ee13c93a569eb
Side Effects Side Effects 5963b5dcbab2f604cf80048a
Silverado Silverado 57a4fd0c498e34c05dc13a2d
Skewered Skewered 5963b408bab2f604cf80046f
Slushy Slushy 56730d65498e3dc2d93104d4
Sláinte Sláinte 550763886acaba7c2294245e
Small Fry Small Fry 52a65980000000000000000a
Sneaks Sneaks 52a659800000000000000013
Snowy Snowy 54948197e5080d09529abdad
Spaghetti Monster Spaghetti Monster 554149287b28d289d6e8e7e3
Sparky Sparky 5595719aa7c8c331b30aec3b
Splashy Splashy 5963b5dcbab2f604cf800484
Sticky Situation Sticky Situation 5963b5dbbab2f604cf800476
Stormy Stormy 52a659800000000000000012
Streaky Streaky 556ca564a7c872b6ca2fbd11
Suds McGee Suds McGee 52a659800000000000000009
Sue Sue 5963b5dcbab2f604cf800488
Sunny Sunny 52a659800000000000000016
Sunny Side Sunny Side 52a659800000000000000004
Super Duper Swarm Super Duper Swarm 554149287b28d289d6e8e7e0
Super Mayor Super Mayor 55883a29498eb319ff2a24fb
Superuser Superuser 52a659800000000000000014
Swarm Swarm 554149287b28d289d6e8e7df
Swarmgate 2018 Swarmgate 2018 581a55d227122e32c0f80f95
Swimmies Swimmies 554149287b28d289d6e8e7eb
T-Bone T-Bone 55563a0d2beaa0fbc4d1dc3d
T. P. Rolls T. P. Rolls 5963b5dcbab2f604cf800489
Tasty Tasty 53fe77d24b9048855b3648b4
Telly Telly 5963b5dbbab2f604cf800474
Ten Hundred Ten Hundred 554149287b28d289d6e8e7d8
The Great Outdoors The Great Outdoors 54b59bd5e50851c96b4e8c8b
The Tourist The Tourist 58ebe9a744587f02b832ecb7
Ticonderoga Ticonderoga 55ef2213498e0b8f47e666e8
Toro Toro 52a65980000000000000001c
Victory Lap Victory Lap 5963b5dbbab2f604cf800475
Vin Diesel Vin Diesel 57f6c254498ec87a99aba852
Vroom Vroom Vroom Vroom 54c6a1bce5086476d5885475
Wacky Waving Inflatable Tubeman Wacky Waving Inflatable Tubeman 5adf7df01987ec002c4dfcdf
Wino Wino 53ee547e4b90856d390bb745
World Cup World Cup 52a659800000000000000021
Yaz Başlasın! Yaz Başlasın! 5703c673498e4307fe58e462
Yea Yea 54c6a1b5e5086476d5885474
Young and Sporty Young and Sporty 5553cec67b283f1ac7315143

I am pretty new to Shortcuts, but not to scripting. This looks awesome, but when I try to get it going on Shortcuts it (1) doesn’t seem to let me add a favorite location and (2) occasionally bounces out to Safari to connect, giving me an error on the page that lists my many Foursquare integrations over the years. I will keep plugging away, but any guidance would be appreciated.

I haven’t experienced the issue you’re talking about, although adding venues can be quite slow as loading the Stickers takes a while. I haven’t fixed this yet.

  1. Make sure you have entered your Client ID and Client Secret in the shortcut.

  2. Check if there is the following file in iCloud iCloud/Shortcuts/Swarm/foursquare-access-token.json. This file contains your Foursquare acess token so you don’t need to authenticate each time you use the Shortcut.

  3. Check if you have a favourite-venues.json in iCloud: iCloud/Shortcuts/Swarm/favourite-venues.json

  4. Example structure of this file is like this:

         "favourites": [
             {"venueId": "51a2445e5019c80b56934c75", "venueName": "Eiffel Tower", "stickerId": "5963b5dcbab2f604cf800481"}
  5. You can try manually adding the venues to the shortcut with this generator I created: https://jsfiddle.net/marcgordon/jbq810x4/2/

  6. You can also use that to manually add the venues to the favourite-venues.json file.