Applescript: Numbers to Apple Calendar troubleshooting


I’m new to Automators (previous follower of Mac Power Users), new to using AppleScript and working through David Spark’s Shortcuts Field Guide right now.

I’m hoping to find a way to add my block schedule (currently in Numbers) to Apple Calendar. I’m open to using Fantastical; that said, I don’t think it will work, because it’s essential for my workflow to add several lines of text to the notes field in the calendar event for each time block.

I’ve reviewed the thread that followed the first Automators podcast, and have downloaded the AppleScript and Numbers sheet created by jplacek–the latest version I found in the thread.

I thought I’d test it out first before using it to enter my actual blocks. I updated the dates on the two sample events to go in this month & year, and put the name of my calendar under Calendar Name.

When I selected the two rows with the events and ran the script, it came up with this error:

Would someone be willing to help me troubleshoot this?

Thanks so much!