X-callback failed because Shortcuts couldn't convert from Rich text to URL

In a shortcut, I’m grabbing contents of web pages to extract some details and then send to another app via x-callback-url. The problem is I’m getting a “Open X-Callback-URL failed because Shortcuts couldn’t convert from Rich text to URL” error.

The workflow steps are:

  • Get contents of [URL]
  • Make HTML from [Contents of URL]
  • various text actions to get bits of the HTML and ready as [markdown output]
  • URL encode [markdown output]
  • text action: noteplan://x-callback-url/addText?..&text=[URL Encoded Text]…
  • Open [callback URL] with x-callback

Has anyone else seen this? I’m using plain text not Rich text actions, as far as I can tell. Thanks.

Can you share the shortcut and an example web page that gives you the issue? Then we could take a shot at debugging it.

Thanks for the offer, @sylumer.
As it happens I’ve now found earlier posts here, including some from you, on the more exact workflow I’ve been writing. Namely: grab info from Overcast app to file to my journal (NotePlan, not DayOne).

I found the root of the problem. For some reason the “Get Contents of URL” had in the (almost hidden) option got set to something other ‘File’ as the type. Now that it’s set like that, I can’t see the HTML, but the resulting text can be parsed instead, and it solves my other recent issue about decoding HTML entities.

(In some ways the HTML was better as the podcast episode description was included in the metadata despite not being shown. Sadly neither way seems to allow me to get the actual URL of the actual episode at the podcast’s website. I think this is rather naughty of Marco to stop this being available … I think he should make it an option at least for paying customers.)