Will take the word guy as input


I need to activate this url and i need to have some kind of syntax with this url that it still open this shortcut
The shortcut that call note
But it will sand one more comand

And the shortcut β€œnote”
Will take the word guy as input

Here is the documentation: https://support.apple.com/guide/shortcuts/run-a-shortcut-from-a-url-apd624386f42/ios

In your case it should be shortcuts://run-shortcut?name=note&input=text&text=guy

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Just to build upon this a little further, should you want to extend the input to something more than a single ASCII character based word, do note that any content passed in should be URL encoded.

For β€œguy”, the encoded version is identical, but for β€œhello world” for example, this should be URL encoded to β€œhello%20world”.