Using SSH Key in a Shortcut


I’m trying to create a shortcut that connects to my raspberry pi and turns off pihole for x minutes.

I’m having issues with the key and getting error, “Run Script Over SSH could not connect to the SSH Server”.

The shortcut confirms i’m connected to my home network before running.
I did an alert to confirm that it gets to this point.

I verified the IP, port, user in the Run script part of the shortcut and I copied the Public Key over to the authorised_keys file in the raspberry pi but it does not work.

Any suggestions or help would be appreciated

  1. Double check the steps you went through - e.g. did you forget to save the authorised keys file? I have a walkthrough you can check against below.
  2. Ensure you can route from your phone to your Pi and that you don’t have anything that would block the routing.
  3. Check if you can access the Pi via user ID and password.

Hopefully something there will give you a line to investigate further.

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ran just a quick test off one of my Tail Scale devices, not a pi, as currently mine is unplugged at home, but dupicating steps here (on iPadOS 18 beta) with default ports. If you are trying as root that may be the issue. In the past I have ran into this depending on what Linux flavor I am using.