Using Aqara and Lutron together for automation

I just replaced a Lutron motion sensor light switch with a new Diva smart switch, but I’m trying to find a way to use my Aqara motion sensor to turn the light off after 10 minutes of no motion. I created an automation in the Aqara app for testing, but I can’t find a way to use that to turn off the Lutron switch. I can see the Aqara hub in HomeKit, but not the motion sensor. I can see the sensor if I go to the room and I can get a notification if it detects motion, but that’s it. I would prefer to use this sensor if possible instead of buying another occupancy sensor. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I have had some funny things with Aqaba in HomeKit…

Do you see the sensor when creaating an automation in HomeKit, selecting the trigger for “A sensor Detects Something” and looking in the room that the sensor is in? Or checking all rooms (sometimes they seem to move)?

You might also want to try Home +. I think you can get a demo version to try… I like that app.

I have also had times where it can take some time… even a few days, for the Aqaba accessories to show up in HomeKit. It could very well be strangeness with my system, however.

I would suggest home-assistant if that is at all possible.

In addition to the home+ app that @CraigWoodman recommended, you could also check out the Eve app. it shows more entities for automatons.

Another round about way to solve this would be to use the motion sensor to turn on and off the light on Aqara hub, and then link your switch to the Aqara hub’s light. This is not ideal but if all else fails, you won’t at least have to buy a new sensor.

Thanks for the responses and suggestions. Looking at Home+(specifically, the reviews), it doesn’t seem like it does what I need. I need access to the ‘vacancy’ feature of the motion sensor, but I need to add a delay, i.e. Turn off the lights after 10 min if no motion is detected. I see the option for motion/no motion as triggers, but there’s no option to set a delay(5 min, 10min, etc).
I’ll check the Eve app and see if it offers anything. I do have some Eve devices. Also, I’ll look at the suggestion of using the Aqara hub as a trigger. As mentioned, that would not be the ideal way of doing it, but my wife is already not thrilled with how much the Diva cost, she would be even less thrilled if I have to spend another $50 for a Lutron sensor. I have heard David Sparks mention the ‘human presence sensor’ from Aqara. I’m curious why he chose that sensor over Lutron’s sensor to control his Lutron light switches.
EDIT: Looking at the Aqara Hub, it doesn’t have an option to turn a light on or off. I have the M2 hub.

Just to wrap up, I wasn’t able to find any way to handle what I was looking for(turn the light off after x minutes with no one in the room). I ended up solving the problem the old fashioned way, buying more hardware (specifically, the Lutron Occupancy/Vacancy sensor). It works well enough, but I was a little disappointed that the only controls are physically on the sensor. I can’t change anything via the app. I also just saw someone in another post reference the ‘Magic Occupancy’ plugin for Homebridge. I don’t currently use Homebridge, but I might be interested in trying it in the future. I have the Lutron Diva switch on the main lights for our bathroom, but now the light for the shower is being left on. I would love to buy the Claro switch for that light, since I don’t need dimming, but it requires a neutral wire. :angry: They sell a smart switch that doesn’t require neutral, but it’s kinda ugly. Maybe once I set up Homebridge, I’ll look into the ugly switch.

Oh that sucks. I am glad you are finally able to make it work but it is so frustrating that these devices can’t talk to each other even when they are all technically “compatible” with HomeKit.
Since you are considering homebridge, I would urge you to look into home-assistant as well. It is less polished but it has a lot more functionality. You can buy almost any device you want, and link it to home assistant including your existing HomeKit devices. You can build your automations in home-assistant, it is completely local, and you can choose what devices from home-assistant should be exposed to HomeKit because it can also act as a bridge for your HomeKit system. And as your smart-home grows, you will only have one bridge/hub, your home assistant machine.
I am not an expert at home-assistant stuff but I am willing to help if you need help with setup. You can install it as an OS on a Raspberry PI (I won’t recommend that knowing the prices of R-Pi’s right now), or on any old laptop (even if it is from a few decades ago) or run it as a virtual machine on virtual box.