Unsupported Widget

Can someone please help me out here. I can’t figure out why I am getting the “Error on line 8:19: Unsupported widget.” error.

// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: pink; icon-glyph: thermometer-three-quarters;
const url = 'https://status.slack.com/api/v2.0.0/current';

let req = new Request(url);
let res = await req.loadJSON();
// if (config.runsInWidget) {
  const widget = createWidget(config.widgetFamily, res);
// } else {
//   if (config.runsInApp) {
//   }
// }
async function createWidget(param, res) {
  let w = new ListWidget();
  // Widget background color
  let grad = new LinearGradient();
  grad.colors = Device.isUsingDarkAppearance() ?
[new Color('#222'), new Color('#000')] :
[new Color('#FFF'), new Color('#EEE')];
  grad.locations = [0, 1];
  w.backgroundGradient = grad;
  // Widget text
  let title = w.addText('Slack Status');
  title.font = Font.boldRoundedSystemFont(16);
  title.textColor = new Color('#00FF00');
  // Status Images
  if (res.status == 'ok') {
    statusImgUrl = 'https://status.slack.com/img/v2/Ok@2x.png';
  } else {
      if (res.active_incidents[0].type == 'incident') {
        statusImgUrl = 'https://status.slack.com/img/v2/Incident@2x.png';
      if (res.active_incidents[0].type == 'notice') {
        statusImgUrl = 'https://status.slack.com/img/v2/Notice@2x.png';
      if (res.active_incidents[0].type == 'outage') {
        statusImgUrl = 'https://status.slack.com/img/v2/Outage@2x.png';
  const imgReq = new Request(statusImgUrl);
  const imgRes = await imgReq.loadImage();
  const { width, height } = imgRes.size
  const img = w.addImage(imgRes);

  return w;

You have an async function being called but you are not waiting for it to return.

Try modifying your widget creation line to include an await like this:

const widget = await createWidget(config.widgetFamily, res);

Thank you much. I am going to study up on promises and async/await today.