I am trying to get Widgets “going” I have tried the “Daily Quotes” and “F1” examples so far from the website, not much joy. The F1 seems to have an error in the Shortcut and the Quotes seems to be failing to pull data from the server. Before I dig in further I just wanted to check “is this me” / “is this iOS17” / “is there a better example to try to learn from”?
Ah, that makes sense, I think… I have the MacStories and F1 widgets working, the Daily Quote widget is now running without error but the widget does not update (maybe it needs “more time”).
I was missing that I needed to name the “Target Object” inside Pushcut (the Widget content). Now it makes sense.
Does it update if you open Pushcut after running it?
Yeah, in Pushcut terms what those shortcuts are saying is “Set widget named X to use content named Y with input Z”. I’ll freely admit that this is not wholly intuitive (and it should really import the content with a name…I’ll fix that)
He is a developer for the app and has shared an email address to further discuss the issue - that seems to have already covered your question on support channels.