Siri shortcut and Apple Watch


i want to get the apple watch
i have iPhone and i love siri shortcut
please i want to expand my siri shortcut capability to use with the apple watch
please can you tell me how dose it work
if for example i have shortcut that ask for input
or i have shortcut that need to chose from menu
1)do siri ask me in the apple watch by voice ?
2)do i need to be close to the iPhone?
3)do the iPhone do all the processing and the apple just wait for input and send it to the iPhone?

Well, see this thread:

Sadly, right now, nothing works.

I picked up somewhere that it was on the way.

Ideally I would like to see instructions for ‘if on watch, continue this on phone’

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It works now!! Woohoo

Hey Ryan @ryanjamurphy ! I still get the “Sorry, Shortcuts is currently unavailable on Apple Watch”

Have you done something to fix it?

I have WatchOS version 6.1 (17S84) (aw s3) and iOS 13.1.3 (iPhone 7)

I’m running WatchOS 6.1 and iOS 13.2.1. I can’t remember when the functionality was introduced, though. Probably best to update the phone and then check in with Apple Support via a chat if it’s still not working!