Siri fails to run long shortcuts in iOS 17 beta

Has anyone else found that Siri can’t run long shortcuts in iOS 17 beta? In my testing I’ve found that when a shortcut gets to around 20 actions Siri tries for a few seconds and then says “Something went wrong, please try again.”

I’m on the iOS 17 public beta. I have lots of long Shortcuts and haven’t run into that issue.

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Which model iPhone? I try to max out longevity, so I’m still on a Xs.

14 Pro Max 256Gb but also working fine on iPadOS 17 on a 2018 Pro.

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My iPhone 14 also seems to be handling long shortcuts well without issue

When you hold down the side button and say the shortcut name for Siri? There aren’t any issues with the shortcuts app, it’s Siri in the iOS 17 beta that fails.