Simple AppleScript modification


Below is the end of an apple script which returns the name of a Scrivener document as a clickable link.
It works.

example: a document entitled security settings would look like this Security settings

return "[" & scrivName & "](" & scrivAddr & ")"

I would like to modify that line of script to end up with the link looking like
Scrivener: Security settings

All I would like is the link to start with Scrivener:
I tried what I thought were obvious solutions but nothing works.

The reason for this modification is that I have so many links from web sites, PDF, evernote, bear and Scrivener. I would like the title to display the origin of the click without having to edit the link to see Scrivener

thanks very much ! in advance for your time and help

Did you try this?

return "[Scrivener:" & scrivName & "](" & scrivAddr & ")"
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fantastic !! exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much !!