Select and Summarize Articles from Group of RSS Feeds

I was inspired by this shortcut in this YouTube video. The shortcut grabs 10 items from an RSS feed, summarizes them with Chat GPT, and puts the article summaries in a new note in Apple Notes.

I wanted to take this a step further to generate a daily news summary from multiple sources. I use Feedbin to manage all my RSS feeds. My first thought was to grab a group (or certain tag) from my RSS feeds in Feedbin and grab the first 10 items from that larger list. However, I don’t think it’s possible to grabs a group of feeds (i.e. those in a specific group/tag in Reeder). Does anyone have any insight on if it’s possible and how to do so? If not, do other RSS readers offer this functionality?

If it’s not possible to grab a group of feeds directly from Feedbin, my other thought was take a list of numerous RSS feeds and plug them into the iOS shortcut, then grab the items from each that were published within the last 24 hours, then show those as a consolidated list and select the items to summarize from there. Would this work or is it too cumbersome?