Quote generator short cut

A newb here, but I’d love to create an ios shortcut that would randomly pull one quote from a list of quotes I have collected. Is this something I would want to store the quotes in something like Airtable or Data Jar? And if so, what would be the best way to set up such a short cut? Any links to tutorials, etc. would be helpul!! Thanks in advance.

A file or multiple files would be quite easy to maintain vs the options you have, but they would work too.

How you wish to source and maintain the quotes may be relevant.

When I’ve written this for language coding examples in the past I have created a text file for each quote with the text laid out as I want, then generated a random number and read the text file with that name from the folder. Finally I output it to the user.

In Shortcuts, you could do that in a few steps like this:


It is based on the files being in a “Quotes” subfolder of the “Shortcuts” folder in iCloud, and the files being 1.txt, 2.txt, etc.

Hope that helps.

Very helpful. Thank you.

Right now I have the quotes in blocks of text stored in Craft. I could output that into markdown but would need to figure out how to save each block as a single file.

If I were to store the quotes in Airtable (for instance), how would I go about pulling a quote from there? Appreciate all your insight and help learning.

If every quote were a row in a table and had a sequential numeric ID (e.g. type auto number) you could select a row in the same way you would read a file. However, you might need to interact via the API directly or using a third party app like Shortcutify. I’m guessing they may be a little more advanced than where you currently are with Shortcuts, but that is just a driver to learn more.

However, I’m unsure at this point what particular advantage Airtable might give you. Do you have more than this single use case in mind? E.g. filtering for quotes by an individual?

I’ve never used Craft, so hopefully someone else might have some suggestions on automating block exports.