Project Tapestry

Crosspost” from MPU:

Anyone else enthusiastic about The Iconfactory’s Project Tapestry?

A new iOS app that aims to gather your most important social media services, RSS feeds, and other sources into a single universal timeline. All updates and posts together in one place, in the order they’re created, with no algorithm deciding what you should see or when you should see it.

I immediately backed it on Kickstarter when I saw it. They already reached their initial goal, but they can use additional pledges for stretch goals, such as a Mac version.

Tapestry in the news:

Tapestry in podcasts:

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I know I am…

The day they released their API documentation I immediately started experimenting with it:

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I took a look when I got a notification about it, but the concept is simply not one for me in this case.

I already have my RSS and social media content sorted and I prefer them separate so I can get a tailored experience for two different types of media. To me RSS is consumption and social is interactive, so I come at them with different mindsets and so for me different requirements in terms of processing; though there is certainly overlap on the information consumption aspect.