Play podcasts and other audio in succession

Every morning on my commute I listen to a 10 minute news podcast with the apple podcasts app, then i switch to an app called gospel library and listen to scriptures. I’m wondering if there is a way to automate this with scriptable so I don’t have to take my eyes off the road while I’m driving to switch tracks myself. If this is possible and if you have any suggestions on how to accomplish this I would love to hear it.

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I don’t think there is a way to do this directly with one shortcut, but you might be able to do part of it with two.

The first would be to play the podcast in the Apple Podcasts app. I presume it is possible to play a particular podcast with Apple’s Podcast app, but I haven’t tried it myself.

Then, when that is over, you can use Siri or Shortcuts to “open Gospel Library”.

From there, it’s a matter of what the Gospel Library app can do via shortcuts. Unfortunately I wouldn’t expect too much by way of support for that in the app, since Shortcuts is still a fairly new/niche feature.