Multiple StreamDecks and StreamDeck Management

I ended up with two StreamDecks - a Mini and a regular one. (So 6 and 15 buttons, respectively.) I’ll refer to the 15-button one as my main Streamdeck.

Recently somebody mentioned using the small one to switch (app-specific) profiles on the main one.

My take on app-specific profiles is they kick in automatically when I switch to the relevant app. So I haven’t gone down this route.

On my main StreamDeck I always add a number of navigation buttons bottom right. This is painful to do on every profile. I suppose I could dedicate the small one to a standard set of buttons that are profile-independent.

In reality I’m using the small StreamDeck as an overflow. I had thought of it as an “on the road” StreamDeck but I actually take both with me (and found a padded pouch for the main StreamDeck).

I’m interested in how others are managing their StreamDeck(s). Also how they use them, but this post is intended to be about management.

I’m using 4.4.1 of their software - exclusively on Mac - and find it perfectly stable.

I will say I love my StreamDecks and if I forget to plug them in - as I did on a trip like last week - I feel all clumsy. So I guess that’s money well spent. :slight_smile:


I’ve only just got mine this week. So far I have buttons to control the Christmas lights and tree (a simple toggle on/off through the Hue integration), the Nanoleaf lights above my desk (through the Nanoleaf integration), and a few experimental buttons - I need to take some time this week to set it up for podcasting profiles!

I think that I will be dedicating one button to be my profile switcher, and using the copy/paste function to move that between profiles when I update it. Thank goodness that exists!

Tell me more! I have a feeling I’ll end up with all three sizes at this rate, they’re like HomePods tribbles :smiley:

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The padded pouch was not a commercial offering. I don’t even remember what I repurposed.

On the “copy and paste” thing I wish there were a way of templating profiles. I guess the backup method might be used to confect such a thing. (It’s time I took another backup and saw what was in it.)

When I look at what’s bottom right on my bigger StreamDeck’s profiles (for example the Firefox one I’m seeing right now) I see two buttons:

  • Default Profile
  • Stream Deck - as in the editor.

On some of the profiles I also have a third one:

  • More - which allows me to go into a folder with more buttons in it. When I push that a button appears top left allowing me to go back up one level.

And, yeah, I can see me carrying around three - or at least a 24-button one and the 15-. Finance gets tough for the 24-button one, though.