Make PDF from webview

Is there any chance to produce a PDF out of a Webview or any other way something like a shareable document (available to be shared via share sheet)

Shortcuts app has a Make PDF action, and you can feed it the output of Get contents of web page action. Is that what you are looking for ?

If you have the website open in Safari or another browser that supports printing, you can “print” it, but in the preview screen, share the generated PDF instead.

Also taking a screenshot in Safari, then opening the screenshot from the bottom left and selecting “whole page” will give you a PDF.

Dear Gabriel,

thank you for the proposal, that would be sort of a workaround I haven‘t thought about yet.
I was hoping for some way more directly.

But a way forward anyway - thanks again.


You’re welcome. Which kind of workflow do you have in mind ? If you provide more details, I can give you some ideas.

Dear Gabriel,
Thank you for the offer!

Background: I built a Scriptable „application“ being a cook book / recipe compilation/manager. All this is done using UITable - Text input and picture cropping is done via webviews. Now I‘d like to include an „export“ option to make a PDF with all information (pic, description, ingredients list and instructions) to be saved/shared/sent by message etc…
Needs a proper „partner acceptance factor“ :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance !


Hello, Christian. I hadn’t seen the Scriptable tag. In general, I use Pandoc Haskell library to generate a PDF.

Would be good to see if you can share that content to a shortcut that makes a PDF.

