I filed a query with Apple on feedback assistant a few days ago when things were in beta, problem persists for me with the full releases. Anyone else missing suggestions for Mail app on iPad?
Running ios13.1 on iPhone, iPad OS on iPad Pro. I use apple mail app to access gmail mailboxes. My most used shortcut uses Siri-suggested actions that open individual mailboxes that I use frequently. These suggested actions show up as Mail app actions in Shortcuts on iPhone but not iPad despite equivalent use. (No suggestions for Icloud mailboxes either). A custom shortcut containing these actions runs correctly on iPhone. The same shortcut (iCloud synced) generates errors on iPad “Siri prediction no longer valid”, and mail app actions remain limited within the shortcuts app. In fact, the only Siri-suggested action is a search email action that seems very stale - haven’t used the suggested search term in ages - as if the suggestions “file” isn’t updating.