LSWeather - Script to display Weather & Calendar details on Lock Screen

I have written a script to display weather and calendar details on lock screen. The script is called using a shortcut which can then be run using iOS Automation.

Check out the script here.
Download the shortcut from here.

Check the installation and configuration steps on the GitHub page.

Any feedback/criticism is welcomed.


This looks really cool! I’m having trouble with the shortcut. It says that the script never calls complete() or returns a value. Do you have any ideas why this might be the case?

Hi @dustinknopoff, this could be a problem with on of the API calls. Could you change the TESTING flag to true and see if that generates an output? With TESTING flag set to true the script doesn’t call any APIs but uses dummy data.

The quotable API is slow at times. Set QUOTE_SHOW_QUOTES to false as well.

It worked with TESTING set to true. I already had QUOTES_SHOW_QUOTES set to false it does successfully run if I do it directly in Scriptable. It’s only when calling the script from shortcuts that I receive that error

You can do one thing-

  1. Open iCloud → Scriptables and delete LSWeatherLogs folder.
  2. Run the shortcut
  3. Check all the log files in LSWeatherLogs to see what is the error.
  4. Mail me the logs at if required.
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I have tried configuring it using instructions from Github page, but every time I run the shortcut from the Shortcuts app I get an error of sorts. I have run the script in Scriptable and it runs fine. Attached is a picture of what am getting.

Any help?

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How do i download the JavaScript file i already downloaded the shortcut

Hi this is exactly what i want with my script. Can you help me?
First how i can add the widget with Scriptable to my LockScreen? If i press add widget on the LockScreen there is no Option to select Scriptable in the List.
And Second how you did the background from the widget transparent?