Double wow: one because it looks really nice, and the other because it is written in Delphi!
Seems to be around a long time…
On the other hand, I guess that implenting plug-ins is not really straight forward?
However, if I understand this correctly, I can write batch scripts and run them with slickrun?
I use an app called Listary that gives me the usual launch window stuff, but also a bit of functionality that’s like that of Default Folder X that allows me to quickly switch to other folders in dialog boxes. It doesn’t have a plugin architecture, but I do use custom commands to launch the odd custom script. Most of the stuff that might be plug-in sort of stuff I do through a third party file manager instead.
I use it for work so I need to use the pro version. I use the custom keyword and project level searching most from the pro features, but I have probably used most or all of them in the years I’ve been using it.
But I would just try out the free version and compare it against the other ones listed. See which suits your needs best.
Thanks you for the suggestion. I will definitely install Everything.
If I understood this correctly, Wox uses also Everything for searching.
So it seems that it can be combined with other tools.
My (maybe naïve) question is:
Is there nothing like a spotlight index on Windows?
(There is for sure an index)
Is it just not usable by third party programs or does it skip to many files? (The latter would explain the name “Everything”)
And does somebody know how Everything compares to something like grep in the Windows Linux Subsystem?
I only can comment on the windows indexing system - It is there and powering the search on Windows, but was so slow and unusable that I never used it (falling back on total commanders search) Since I discovered everything I often find myself opening it instead of navigating through the folder structure.
Same for is true for me on Mac with Alfred:
Apart from launching apps, scripts and workflows, I use it whenever I need access to a file (as one can even drag and drop files from Alfred search results). I only occasionally launch the Finder from Alfred to open the folder containing a certain file.
So I will definitely install Everything and Listary.
And then I will find the one launcher to bind them all…
I’m using an command line launcher called called Node (written in ahk) for launching apps and docs in my work environment. I use everything for finding everything(!) (pun intended) in the corporate network. It is really good and fast. The reason I don’t use just everything is that I can’t figure out to get the result presented in a nice way. Node is superb in that regard.
Apart from that I use AHK for a lot of tasks. Clipboard, workspace handling, key substitution and lots of small scripts
I think the power toys launcher seems more polished but too bare bones for my taste.
wox is much more configurable and extendable. Honestly I’m not sure if I can say that one is faster than the other.
Bare bones everything is the fastest in my opinion but you can get an overload of results.
try it with filters. After the initial indexing you get lightening fast results