How to use Keyboard Maestro to help with difficult to remember keyboard shortcuts

Hi there,

I discovered the podcast last month and have been all over it since. It’s brilliant, and I’ve added lots of new toys to my setup (DEVONThink, Moom and Timery this week) following the converstions between David and Rosemary.

I don’t know how useful this will be to the community, but I’m a Composer and University Lecturer, and I use lots of differening software and have real difficulty remembering keyboard shortcuts, of which there can be literally thousands in a given application. I made a little video demonstrating how I use Keyboard Maestro to ameliorate this to some extent, and I think the principle holds for whichever software you’re using. I thought I’d share as my first contribution, rather than ask questions (although there will be many incoming :wink: )

Thanks so much!


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