How to use Charty with health data on the ipad

I want to create a health dashboard on my iPad with Charty. Biggest challenge: health data is not available on iPad.

What I did
Created a shortcut on my iPhone that collects health data and used a Charty action to create a chart. On my iPad I created a Charty widget that displays this chart. Made an shortcut that updates all Charty widgets.

What happened
If I update the chart on my iPhone and next update the Charty widgets on my iPad, the widget on my iPad is not updated with the new chart. However if I tap the widget and open Charty on my iPad I see the updated chart and if I close Charty the widget on my iPad has been updated.

What I think that is causing the problem
I have the feeling that Charty is only syncing between the two devices if I open the app (on my iPad). It seems that background refresh is not working. I checked the background refreshing settings for Charty on my IPhone and iPad and in both cases it is enabled.

Is there another way to achieve my goal of creating a health dashboard on my iPad with Charty widgets that is populated with health data?

Should I, for example, export the health data to an csv file in Dropbox or iCloud and use Charty on my iPad to create the charts?

It might be the restrictions Apple put into the refresh of widgets
I have similar issues with pushcut widgets (f.e. Countdown to dates) it will update the widget once I’ve opened pushcut, so I include opening the app in all the automations.

For syncing data, if that is the issue in this case: why not use data jar as a global data syncing engine?

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