How To Delete an iTunes Track?

The script obtains iTunes tracks and then proceeds to delete them but fails at this step. The command in question is

tell application "iTunes"
#obtain references to the tracks 
delete file track id 29777 of user playlist id 26783 of source id 98
end tell
	--> error number -1708
error "iTunes got an error: some item of _tracks of {my_track_name:\"20 - Cherkassky - Chopin , Etude, Op. 10, No. 4\", _tracks:{file track id 29778 of user playlist id 26783 of source id 98, file track id 29777 of user playlist id 26783 of source id 98}, identicalTracks:2} doesn’t understand the “delete” message." number -1708 

Is it possible?

The solution is that the track to delete must not belong to a smart playlist. I found it in a MacScript post, the link is below.