How to colorise a body of a note

I can’t solve a seemingly simple problem:
I need to change the color of the note text leaving the first line unchanged

Just to clarify, is that a note in the Apple Notes app, with existing multiple lines of content?

exactly right
this is an existing note

This JXA code changes the color of the current note, but not the title, to red (#ff0000) but will break monospace text, URLs, embedded images, checklists and block quotes:

color_ = '#ff0000'
note_ = Application('Notes').selection()[0]
note_.body = note_.body().replace(/(?<=[\s\S]<(?:li|div)>)[^<].*?(?=<\/(?:li|div)>)/g, `<font color="${color_}">$&</font>`)

Not breaking these seems very difficult…

Thank you so much
I spotted an interesting thing, everything is good and well with Mac, but it looks different on iPadOS