Hey all
I’m new to automators but this macsparky applescript to create a hyperlink to an Apple Mail message got me thinking: AppleScript to Link to Apple Mail Message — MacSparky
What I’d like to do is grab some text from an email, generate a hyperlink to that message, then create an Omnifocus item. The basic premise is to write responses to emails outside of the email client rather than being tied to the client. I think the steps would be something like this:
- manually select part (or all) of email message body in Apple Mail
- run KM script which does the following:
- copy selected text in message body in Apple Mail
- grab email subject line and sender name from message using Apple Script
- open Omnifocus new item
- add “respond to sender name re subject line” in Omnifocus item
- add hyperlink to email message (Apple Script) as Omnifocus note, + 2 carriage returns
- paste email message text from Apple Mail into same Omnifocus item note (below the URL)
- somehow get Omnifocus to query me for which project to add Omnifocus item to?
- save the Omnifocus item
- archive the email message
I haven’t started building the automation yet, but I’m curious if any of you have any thoughts or tips here (or indeed steps I have missed or that won’t work)?
Thanks all, and very best.