Hot to add a shortcut to Siri @iOS13?

Sounds silly, but I am not able to find the „add to Siri“ option for a shortcut anymore. And there is no documentation I can find - All you get is related to iOS12.
I am really desperate…

Thank you in advance!

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Ask Siri to run the shortcut by name.

Thank you both for the fast response!

I overlooked the obvious… But that means one can not assign an individual phrase to a shortcut different from his name.

Scope creep: - why do my often used shortcuts do not appear as suggestion by Siri?

Unless of course you created a shortcut with that other name, and had a single action in it; to run your original shortcut. :wink:

I’ll pass over to my learned colleague who is answering a different question, but it is probably as good an answer for this question as any.

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:hotdog: 2 U