Help with Date Math for Things 3 Project Template

Thanks @RosemaryOrchard and @MacSparky for the latest episode on Project Templates!

I am using this workflow to generate project templates with Things 3 and I would love to create relative dates based on the due date.

I just have no idea how to do this!

I am using this template which has Due Date (don’t know how to type the actual French quotation marks, and didn’t even know they were called that until this episode, so thanks Rose for that) and Start Date and Publish Date and a couple others.

I would love to set all other dates relative to the due date, but not sure how to adjust the workflow to accomplish this? All of my due dates are Wednesdays and I would love to learn how to set the start date as the previous Monday (10 days before) automatically based on when the due date is.

Any help would be amazing, thanks.

Love this community!

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I’m not sure if Things will interpret “Wednesday 5th Sept -10 days” correctly, so instead I would recommend you use the Adjust Date Action instead to adjust the date to get what you want. This might give you a lot of actions, but it will also give you the result you expect!