Help With Creating Shortcut to do an Emotional Diary

I already saw that, but isn’t that the other way around?

Launching Due via a URL instead of Due launching another App via a URL?

(Or did I miss something on that page?)

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So it’s “abusing” the title and no longer having a descriptive text about a task? :cry:

That’s correct. The dev docs descibe ways in which you can launch Due via x-callback. Due itself cannot launch another app (or URL) directly at time of the reminder. User action is required. For example, tapping on a link that is included in the reminder title.

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Not sure if I’m doing it right: I first have to tap the notification to open Due and then tap the title to open the URL (or an App via that URL scheme)?

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Hi everyone. So I created a Shortcut that looks like this except the text is changed:

I can see that the discussion is now about integrating Due to this. I have set up 6 different recurring Due reminders to go off at 7 am, 10 am, 1 pm, 3 pm, 6 pm and 9 pm every day reminding that I should go to Siri Shortcuts and enter how I’m feeling which will then append to the note in Drafts.

How do I link Due with this Siri Shortcut so that I can just press the Due reminder and have that take me directly to the Siri Shortcut. Is that possible?

If you run the Shortcut that’s in the other thread, it’ll walk you through the process. Just run it once for each Due reminder you want to set up. I just did it to set myself a Morning Routine reminder in Due.

My other post may have made this sound more complicated than necessary. Quite simply, you can launch a Shortcut using the following URL construct:

Shortcuts://run-shortcut?name=<insert your shortcut name here>

So, if you have a Shortcut named “Emotional Diary Entry”, the following URL when invoked from iOS will open Shortcuts and run the Emotional Diary Entry shortcut


This URL can be used as the title of a Due Reminder so that when the Due reminder is triggered, you can tap on the reminder title (ie, the URL) and your shortcut is launched.

My separate thread is simply an example shortcut to automate the Due Reminder creation. It allows you to choose a Shortcut and a due date and will then create the Due Reminder with the correctly formatted title (tappable URL).

I hope this helps to clarify — jay

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Dear Jay

Thanks for all that. It would really be a great, great help to just be able to launch the shortcut from each of the six Due reminders that I have throughout the day.

But I’m not really savvy at all… can you walk me through the steps of setting it up in Due or setting it up in general?

Thanks a lot :blush: :blush:

Based on your Shortcut screenshot above (to get the name of your custom shortcut as “Emotional Diary” and what @jayelevy has described in his posts, I believe you should simply copy and paste the following into the title of each of your six Due reminders.


When the reminder comes up, the title should be this URL and should be actionable. When you tap and open the URL it shoudl take you into the Shortcuts app and run the “Emotional Diary” shortcut.

Okay thanks! Now I understand. So I change the title of all the 6 Due reminders to that link? Actually the title of my Siri Shortcut is “Modetjek” so I guess it should be: Shortcuts://run-shortcut?name=Modetjek

Or is that link not correct?

Yes, that URL is correct. You can test this by simply copying the URL and pasting into address field in Safari.

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So that seems to be working. I press it on the home screen and it takes me to the Due app where I can press the entry and that opens the Shortcut :blush:

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I have a few that do that - extremely handy and a little fun:

Activate Chase Freedom 5% categories for the quarter @

Check Two for Tuesday @


So I have been using this workflow for a day now. It is going well. Just a few things that I would like to hear if they could be improved upon.

This Due reminder goes off and I tap it on the Home Screen and open my phone and it opens the reminder in Due where I tap the link. That takes me to the Siri Shortcut where I select the emotion from the list, which quickly opens Drafts and inserts the text and then it goes back to Siri Shortcuts and I press OK and exit the Shortcuts app. However, I have still not completed the Due reminder so I have to go back in to Due and complete that reminder so it doesn’t go off again in 10 mins.

So it basically goes like this:

Home Screen —>

Due —>

Siri Shortcuts —>

Drafts —>

Siri Shortcuts —>

Due —> Finished.

So this workflow could be better if:

  1. The Due Reminder was completed by tapping the link… Impossible, I know. But that would be better.
  2. I didn’t have to exit the Siri Shortcuts app after coming back from Drafts. Basically if the Shortcuts quit itself after completion would be great. Or if it took me back to the Due app… is that possible?

Any thoughts out there on how to improve this? :blush:

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And now I remember why I use LCP for this. It doesn’t have the nagging (yet), but the notification disappears when you execute it.

I wish I had an easy solution for you using Due. You can definitely have Shortcuts do the “Open App” Action and have it open Due though.


Thanks Rose. I will put in an action to have it open Due at the end… I guess it is not possible to have it automatically complete the Due Reminder that began the shortcut :thinking:

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For me, when I use the callback to set the reminder in Due, when it pings me and I tap on it Due marks the reminder complete and launches the Shortcut.

Are you saying you need to mark it complete after writing the Draft, rather than before (when you tap on the first reminder?)


Here’s a couple of screenshots showing what I get.
Tapping on the Shortcut at the top takes me to Due.
Tapping the tick in Due let’s me Mark done and Open Shortcuts…


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Yes. It does not mark as complete when I tap the link. It just starts the shortcut. Then it sends me to Drafts and return to Shortcuts and now I have set it to open Due back up and I can mark it as compete then, as the final step.

How do you get it to mark as complete right away?

Hmm. I will share my screenshots with you later when I have time. Thanks