Just playing around with Scriptable to create a Gantt chart using Google Charts and Calendar Events.
Here’s the script:
// Which Calendar
let calendarName = "Work"
let cal = await Calendar.forEventsByTitle(calendarName)
// Get events for a specific day
let events = await CalendarEvent.between(new Date(2018, 11, 24), new Date(2018, 12, 25), [cal])
// write the html code for everything except the Row Data see https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery
// for chart examples and html
let html = "<html><head>" +
"<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js\"></script>" +
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">" +
" google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['gantt']});" +
" google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);" +
" function drawChart() {" +
" var otherData = new google.visualization.DataTable();" +
" otherData.addColumn('string', 'Task ID');" +
" otherData.addColumn('string', 'Task Name');" +
" otherData.addColumn('string', 'Resource');" +
" otherData.addColumn('date', 'Start');" +
" otherData.addColumn('date', 'End');" +
" otherData.addColumn('number', 'Duration');" +
" otherData.addColumn('number', 'Percent Complete');" +
" otherData.addColumn('string', 'Dependencies');" +
" otherData.addRows(["
// here, we build the Row Data: ['Task ID', 'Task Name', 'Resource', Start, End, null, 0, 'Dependencies']
// where Task ID is the Event Title
// Task Name is the Event Title
// Resource is from the Event Notes (resource:dependency)
// Start is built from the Event Start date/time parts
// End is built from the Event End date/time parts
// Duration is automatically calculated from the Start and End properties when set to null
// Percent Complete isn't used, so it's set to 0
// Dependencies, only one in this example, is from the Event Notes (resource:dependency)
let rows = 0
for (event of events) {
if (!event.isAllDay) {
rows = rows + 1
// The Event Notes were used to "encode" a resource and dependency in the form of resource:dependency
// Resources are used to color the bars
// Dependency is the Event Title of the parent Event...the event that this event is dependant upon...use resource:None
// for no dependency
let resource = event.notes.split(":")[0];
let dependsOn = event.notes.split(":")[1];
dependsOn = (dependsOn == "None" ? "null" : "'" + dependsOn + "'")
html = html + (rows > 1 ? "," : "") +
"['" + event.title + "','" + event.title + "','" + resource +
"', new Date(" + (event.startDate.getYear() + 1900) + "," +
event.startDate.getMonth() + "," +
event.startDate.getDate() + "," +
event.startDate.getHours() + "," +
event.startDate.getMinutes() +
"), new Date(" + (event.endDate.getYear() + 1900) + "," +
event.endDate.getMonth() + "," +
event.endDate.getDate() + "," +
event.endDate.getHours() + "," +
event.endDate.getMinutes() + "), null, 0, " + dependsOn + "]"
// write the rest of the html
html = html + "]);" +
"var options = {" +
" height: 300" +
"};" +
"var chart = new google.visualization.Gantt(document.getElementById('chart_div'));" +
"chart.draw(otherData, options);" +
"}" +
"</script>" +
"</head>" +
" <body>" +
" <div id=\"chart_div\"></div>" +
" </body>" +
// show off your work!
WebView.loadHTML(html, null, new Size(0, 300))