Find my Friends Question on Notify me

Good evening everyone,

My kids are in various activities and I commonly have the duty to pick them up when they return from a function/meet/trip. I’d like to build a shortcut that automatically gets their location in Find my Friends, then calculates the estimated time of arrival at the school/meeting point. Then I’d like it to get my current location, calculate the travel time to the meeting point, and set a timer for me to leave in time to pick them up. Lastly, I’d love to set a “Notify me” ring around the meeting point so that I get a notice if they are early.

I can’t seem to get Find my Friends to donate a Notify me action. Support appears pretty limited. I just have a question to see if anyone has any knowledge of whether this option exists.

Thank you!

I doubt you’ll have much luck with this unless/until Apple open up Find My Friends a bit more to Shortcuts.

Take a look at these search results and you’ll probably get the idea as to why.

Thanks for the response. I had seen many of those posts, but I trust the folks on these forums more than the stuff I see on reddit. Some of the posts are older, so one can always hope for more access.

I indeed tried and tried to find a way to use the “find” shortcut donation, but it doesn’t seems to actually pass anything to another step. No matter how much I tried to trigger more donations, I don’t see any.

Thanks for the confirmation.