DT-Working days

When I set up a project with Shortcuts I input the start date and end date of the project. I then have it added to my calendar. It’s not that manageable if the project stretches over many months so I looked in to adding it mon-fri for each week until the deadline.

I found #DT-Working Days which seem to do the math required. I then set up this test shortcut:

that converts my input to ISO dates as text and starts #DT-Working Days with the input from the dictionary (the field next to input is blank, though, but I’ve selected dictionary).

When I run this test, the real #DT-Working Days doesn’t do anything and I don’t know what I might be doing wrong.

Is it even possible that after #DT-Working Days has done it’s job that I can use those date ranges to add projects to my calendar?

First of all, I’m going to assume from the dictionary key names and the shortcut name, that the shortcut you are asking for help on is one I share via my library of shortcuts on my website, and that I may even have used elsewhere online.

Note, it is always useful to share Shortcut source links so people know the details of what you are referring to.

Because you haven’t shared your shortcut beyond the screenshot, we can’t see what the date format is for the values you have set in the dictionary, but my best guess would be that you haven’t passed the dates in as yyyy-mm-dd strings. if you check the comment that indicates the key names to use in the dictionary, you should see it explicitly notes the format.

If I slot in a couple of dates, the output should be the list of working days as specified by the shortcut’s internal dictionary - here set as Monday to Friday; so dates for Saturdays and Sundays are not output.

Hopefully it is just an input format discrepancy. If not, post some additional details and we can all go from there.

You should be able to do something with the output to drive individual entries. See the output in my screenshot above.