Drafts with Outlook for iOS

I love using Drafts as my starting point for communications, especially email. I have to use Outlook for iOS for my work email (annoying, but it’s actually a nice app with some good features that put it a leg up over iOS mail).

I like the standard Mail action drafts, but I don’t have the ability to use that for work email - which is 90% of my emails. I’m not great with creating Drafts actions - anyone know if it’s possible to recreate this kind of action for Outlook on iOS?

Luckily for you Outlook does have a URL scheme! You can compose an email with something like this:


You’ll need to use the callback URL action step for this :slight_smile:

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That’s why @RosemaryOrchard is the best! Thanks, Rose! I would love to see more Outlook/Office 365 iOS content on the show - I’m sure there are a lot of listeners like me where the corporate work environment requires locked down usage of Microsoft apps even in a BYOD context where iOS is great. Thanks, again.