Debugging shortcuts?

I’m slightly frustrated, I’ve avoided Shortcuts until now and I’m now trying to put together a slightly more advanced shortcut than “Hello World”. My frustration is the result of not finding the debugger (I assume there is one), could someone please tell me how to access the debugger … or if there is no debugger, how do I debug a shortcut in a sensible way?

Old school debugging is generally the approach I use (there’s currently no debugger). Show result and quick look are good. Copy to clipboard and writing to file (as a log) can be useful too.

Toolbox Pro also has Print to Console, but that’s in addition to Shortcuts, not part of it.


Sorry, there is no debugger.

I tend to use breaks, notifications and write values to data jar to troubleshoot.
None of it is ideal, but I get by…


Thanks, I’m redesigning this for iOS15 - it’ll be available on Monterey too!


Thanks for the answers, I’ll take a look at toolbox pro

so cool, thanks. What ways are available to get a notification when it is released?

I’ll be posting updates on Twitter and the Toolbox Pro blog. You can also sign up to the mailing list on the website, thanks!

@mralexhay Is there’s a demo for desktop?

No not yet, I’ll be posting it on that Twitter account when I eventually have one that’s good to go.

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