Creating an AppleScript to create an Out of Office Event in macOS Calendar

Hey folks,

I’ve been trying to learn AppleScript by making some projects that could automate my daily business. I’ve managed to make a few scripts to create tasks on Things and notes on Evernote tying them together.

However, I’m having trouble on figuring out how can I hook calendar events on those scripts and even perform some tasks inside Calendar. Heck, I can’t manage even to get info from a selected event!

I wonder if any of you would be so kind as to help me figure out how to make a script that would:

  1. Duplicate the selected event on Calendar
  2. Move it to a different calendar (let’s call it “Out Of Office”)
  3. Change the start and end dates to add/remove 30 minutes

That would automate one of the tasks (signaling to my colleagues on a shared calendar when I’m unavailable) while also teaching me some of the commands that would help me on other scripts.


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