Hey guys, I’m looking for a way to create calendar events from KBM variables I’ve collected trough RegEx (names, start/end dates/times and location).
As I could not find an action that makes them on KBM itself, I guess I could use Automator for dealing with it, but I was unable to have KBM serve it’s variables into Automator Workflow.
I guess I could also use Applescrit for It, but I’m so noon on it.
It will depend on what you’re doing—Applescript does sound like the most obvious but if you’d rather avoid it (and I can’t say I would blame you; it’s something I need a lot more practice with!) you might be able to save the variables into a text file or something and then use something else to perform the next step—maybe Automator with a Hazel rule trigger would work? (Or I guess you could jump over to iOS and run Shortcuts but that doesn’t seem terribly convenient.)