Create a reminder based on the content of an email

Hello everyone, I hope I can get some help here as a newbie. I’m looking to create a reminder based on the type of email I receive.
I receive emails from a specific address “” and in some emails I have the following text:

Living room: “xxx”
“Date et heure du RDV”: example “Thursday November 21, 2024 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.”

Name: “xxx”
First name: “xxx”
Email: “xxx”
Phone: “xxx”

“xxxx avec Espace bien être”


My wish would be to create a reminder that if the email comes from this sender “” and if in the content there is “avec Espace bien être”. In this reminder I would like to add the alert with the date and time of “Date et heure du RDV” and the content of the message before “avec Espace bien être”.
I know I’m not giving much help with this creation but if it takes someone a few seconds it would save me infinite time.
Thank you in advance

Create a rule in Mail with the criteria you have mentioned, the rule would trigger this script:

tell application “Mail”

set today to current date

set td to today as rich text

set _sel to selection

set _links to {}

set the _message to item 1 of the _sel

set thesubjectdate to td

set theSubject to (subject of _message)

set message_id to the (message id of the _message)

end tell

set message_url to “message://%3c” & message_id & “%3e”

set end of _links to message_url

set the clipboard to (_links as string)

set theBody to the clipboard

tell application “Reminders”

make new reminder with properties {name:theSubject, body:"From: " & theBody & “message://%3c” & message_url & “%3e”, due date:((current date) + 3 * days)}

end tell

Hello Athmandest, thank you for asking about my problem. Unfortunately, I no longer have a Mac, work requires HP for PCs. After research, it is impossible to create rules on iPhone/iPad. It’s possible on so I tried but it is not possible to add a rule with criteria and therefore a script. Thanks anyway, the idea was ingenious but it doesn’t work in my case.