Cooking recipes in shortcuts (with recipe)

I use shortcuts for cooking a lot. I’ve put our favorite recipes in shortcuts. Each shortcut contains the shopping list and the recipe in steps.

Once I run the shortcut I can choose what to do, either “go shopping” or “start cooking”. The shopping options adds all ingredients to my shopping list, and the start cooking option shows notifications for each of the different cooking steps.

By starting the shortcut from the today screen it gives me realy nice step by step directions without interupting my netflix or any other app I’m running, once I complete a step I swipe to the today screen and go to the next step.

I’ve added a shortcut for one of the recipes to this post:

It’s a recipe for 4 stuffed pepper halves with mozzarella from the oven. A delicious side dish, or a nice light main meal before going to the gym.

Btw: It’s supposed to ask you which list you’d like to use for the shopping list when you import it. But I could not test that.

Enjoy the meal!


Sweet! I’ve added to the Automators FM Gallery.

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