Can Scriptable create a zip archive?


Every week I use my Mac to manually create a recursive zip of my iA Writer folders.

I was thinking of automating this on iOS. I wondered if this was possible in Scriptable.

I tried using jszip, but the generateASync() promise never returned.

Is there another way of doing it?

Thanks for any pointers,


Have you tried using the built in Shortcut actions for working with zip files?

Thank you so much for that suggestion. I’d quickly tried it earlier and thought I couldn’t select a folder in Shortcuts. I was wrong: ‘select multiple’ allow selection of a single folder.

So an easy Shortcut allows me to create a zip in the Shortcuts icloud folder.

The only part I would love to streamline is to not have to select the folder at all - I’m always archiving the same iA Writer folder (I was hoping Scriptable could work from a hard coded path to the folder, but it needs bookmark support to do that)

Thank you again,


There’s an iOS imposed limitation. Regardless of the app, you would (currently) always have to select it manually.

But if you have a Mac, that isn’t constrained in the same way. Any reason you want to do it on iOS rather than on the Mac?