I find that examples are often shared via Github Gists and the Widget Topic has a ton of examples. @simonbs often retweets interesting scripts too.
I’ve found the easiest way to make scripts is to open them on the Mac from the Scriptable folder. (On my computer Library/Mobile\ Documents/iCloud~dk~simonbs~Scriptable
There’s also a recent thread which @sylumer posted his setup for loading the drafts/scriptable typescript declaration files in to VSCode.
In terms of figuring out where to begin, I’ve found it useful to look at some of Apple’s sample shortcuts and reimplement them in Scriptable. Just to get familiar with the documentation, the limits Scriptable has as a third party app, and for figuring out where Scriptable works better than Shortcuts for automations. (One I recently discovered is how much better date comparison is in JS. I wanted to have a check if the current datetime is after 10PM
and found no way in shortcuts but, super simple in Scriptable and able to be called inline, without opening the app)