Automation server wont reconnect

Im running the latest PushCut automation server on an dedicated iPhone.
Sometimes when for example the wifi is down the automation server wants te reconnect. THis is not happening and i have te restart the Pushcut app on the dedicated iPhone to make it work again. Why its not recoonting as it should?

Sorry about this. We’ve been looking at ways to make the Automation Server reconnect more reliably and some of these improvements will be present in the upcoming 2024.7 release.

Hi David,

Thanks for you reply. To make it more reliable I bought a LAN adapter for the deticated iPhone. It’s happining when my internet was down. I tryed it also on WiFi but same problem. I have to restart the server again to solve it. Good that there is a new release upcoming!

Best regards,

Walter Leemput


Installed the new version but it doesn’t reconnect after a internet outage.
