I have a large, somewhat tedious, project ahead of me and would rather automate it than do it by hand. I have a folder full of videos (game films) and list of clips from each that I want to extract and export. Conceptually, I need a video editor that I can automate to open a file, define a clip based on data file of start and end points on the timeline, export that clip (ideally with a name from the same data file), and then move to the next clip. Generally speaking I was thinking of a video editor that I can drive using keyboard maestro to define each clip, export, and repeat. Has anyone does anything similar? Thanks!
Thanks! I skimmed through the documention. It’s not clear that ffmpeg will work on a M1 mac, at least natively, but some folks seemed to have made it work. I’ll give it a shot.
Yes! I was just about to update this thread. After watching a couple of Youtube tutorials, I did the Homebrew install of ffmpeg and ran a quick test. All good.
If anyone is interested, here’s a sample command to grab a 10 second clip starting at minute 15 and outputting it to a new file.