Automating Journalling with IFTTT and Day One

I have to confess that I have been cheating a little when it comes to journalling, or - as I should say - I have been automating certain entries. Here’s a few of the ways I have done that:

  • I subscribed to my TripIt calendar in Google calendar, and have it create a new entry automatically whenever an event starts.
  • Whenever I add a read item to my Pinboard, it is added to my journal.
  • Blog Posts and MicroBlog posts automatically get added to Day One.

Now the key to these things, at least the first two, is that these are not complete journal entries, more that they are prompts to add pictures/comments when get the journal prompt at the end of the day. Plus these entries are automatically tagged for me!


The TripIt tip is awesome, as are the rest!

Adding to this, I have aTracker entries (the ones that have notes in them) logged to a calendar and then to a journal notebook in Evernote. Like you said, they are meant to be prompts, but I haven’t gotten on the dedicated journalling habit yet.

I also use Way of Life to track habits, and you can make notes in it too, and it has a CSV export - not sure how to get those into DayOne yet - out of curiosity: is there any habit tracking app that you use that you also doubles up for lifelogging?

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I’m using Streaks right now, but the habits are something I track as habits, rather than to journal.

Right… I mostly do that as well, except Way of Life lets you enter notes (I suppose for the misses/skips or even exceptional wins), so I was thinking of channeling those into Day One. I’ll pingback here if I figure it out :slight_smile:

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Does anyone know of a good way to have logged todo’s in Things on iOS to appear in a complete entry in Day One at the end of the day?

[This was also posted in the MPU forum, but it might be more relevant here]