Automating Image Background Removal

I have a folder full of thumbnail portraits for a family tree project. I’m looking for a way to automate background removal, leaving a .png of the subject surrounded by transparency. My optimal workflow would be to save an image to a designated folder, and it is processed, renamed, and saved to a destination folder ready for use.

I’ve searched both online and here in the forum without any luck.

Any thoughts?

Here’s a few quick and easy options with a few of the bigger players for this sort of thing.

I’m sure with a bit of scripting, various other web services with API could be viable.

I was a bit surprised Retrobatch, the usual candidate for batch image processing on the Mac, didn’t offer something, but I expect it will in time.

There are lots of options listed in this post:

The post also goes into objective(?) assessment criteria and details of the models available. Ultimately, none were perfect, and that is something you need to have in terms of your expectations on this.

Your results may not be as perfect as you would like if you are not willing to manually intervene at least some of the time. But some tools may be good enough, and you do have plenty of options to choose from. Depending upon the background, you may even find a combination of tools provides you with an overall better array - though you will need to then manually assess for the better version.

Hope that helps.