Automating Arc Browser

Has anyone had success automating Arc browser with either Keyboard Maestro or BetterTouchTool (or even Shortcuts)? I have some Keyboard Maestro automation to search for selected text on different websites that currently use Chrome. However, I’ve switched to Arc as my default browser and would like to use it instead. Arc doesn’t respond to the built-in “front browser” command in KM. Instead, KM launches Safari.

If you use Little Arc bound to a hotkey you can trigger that with KM. If you don’t, maybe set up an obscure keyboard shortcut and use that?

@RochelleBroder I’m in the same boat. Curious whether you were able to eventually resolve this issue somehow?

Hello Rochelle (@RochelleBroder), @afriendlypotato & Julia (@jmayhugh)

For using FrontBrowser Related Actions, Tokens & Functions of Keyboard Maestro the Developers of Arc will have to support AppleScript in the same amount as it is in Safari / WebKit browsers or Chrome / Chromium browsers that are currently supported.

As long this isn’t done by Arc‘s Developers, Peter will not be able to support Arc.

You’ll have to rely on the current AppleScript API and KM‘s Basics to control Arc using Keyboard Maestro Macros.


Here is also a Wrapper for Node.js that can be used if you have a Node.js environment installed…

Greetings from Germany :de:


Hello Rochelle (@RochelleBroder)

Just found this…

This blog entry has an example Shortcut that also uses a little bit AppleScript.

Greetings from Germany :de:


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Hi all. I was able to get this to work simply by using Keyboard Maestro’s Open URL action, instead of activating a browser and then pasting something. With Arc set as my default browser, those all work.

I’ve automated Arc and other browsers with a Keyboard Maestro macro. I’ve share in on the Keyboard Maestro forum:

Activate, Reload, or Open Browser Tab

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