Automatically add attachment to Airtable?

Hey Everyone!

I’m trying to create a simple system where I’m able to take a picture on my phone (using ScanBot), then dump that file into an Airtable database with other columns being applied (from my input).

Initially, I figured this could be accomplished using a combination of ScanBot + Shortcuts + Zapier Webook + Airtable.

The issue with the first system is that I can’t pass the file itself through the Webook to Zapier (unless I’m missing something).

The second attempt was to instead save the file using Shortcuts + Dropbox and still have Zapier trigger but I’m afraid the 100mb file limit may throw too many errors (have not analyzed the average size of documents).

Any thoughts on how I should proceed with this idea?

Further Context: I’m building a Documents table that links back to specific Assets on another table for an added contextual layer and easier search.

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