Automate export of credit card statements

Hi all,

I’m looking for a way to automate the export of my credit card statements so I can put them on my DEVONThink database, and I was wondering if anybody here has done something along these lines.

Specifically, I’m looking to automate Chase (Sapphire) and Barclays US to get their respective statements from the web (they are not included as attachments on their statement emails) and save them somewhere DEVONThink can pick them up.

Many thanks in advance!

I’m not sure you would be able to automate the downloading of statements from Barclays. I have a Barclaycard (the bank’s name for their UK credit card) and when signing in through the web I am asked for two random letters from a word I have chosen (e.g. letter 2 and letter 6). These change every time I login. If the US website has a similar security challenge I don’t think you could automate that part.

The only part I have automated is the naming and filing of the PDF. This is done through Hazel (I don’t use Devonthink). Once the PDF is in my download folder a series of Hazel actions are started, the first action OCRs the file. Once it sees my credit card number it renames the file (e.g. 2025-03 - Barclaycard Statement) and then moves it to the correct folder, putting it in a subfolder for the current year.

These are the only parts of the process I have been able to automate.

Hm, right. I also use Hazel, but as a way to move files into their respective places (media goes here, documents go there kinda thing).

Many thanks for the input! OCR-ing and getting the credit card number is a good idea to identify multiple statements; cheers!