App Switcher On Mac That Kicks Off Automation?

When I use the app switcher I’d like to be able to kick off some automation. The main example is to move it from my 4K monitor to my laptop monitor. (Moving it back can be - as it is now - using a Stream Deck button and Keyboard Maestro macro.)

Any ideas on how to add automation to an app switcher on Mac OS? I’d be prepared to install a third party one if it allowed automation.

EDIT: Minor tidy up.

Keyboard Maestro includes an app switcher macro step, so you can build something around that. Here’s a quick example that centres the application’s front most window on the screen when you switch to it.

Just build out the same structure and replace the centring with whatever you actually want to do post switch.

Hope that helps.


Thank you. I had a feeling KM would be involved somehow. :slight_smile: And there are two bits of it I was unaware of before:

  1. The Application Switcher as a step.

  2. %Application%1%

So thanks for the macro and these two.

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