Action button, different action based on time (sharing and looking for improvements/feed-back)

I was playing around with Federico Viticci’s multi-press idea for the action button, then realised that I needed the button to have a different function when I’m awake and when I’m going to sleep (and sleeping). Hope you don’t mind me sharing what I’ve come up with, perhaps get some pointers in improving:

First the use cases:

When I’m awake, I want to use the action button to enter items into Things, first via voice if that fails then via keyboard.
When I’m getting to sleep or wake from sleep I find that listening to podcasts helps in a big way (one AirPod in my ear).

My approach to solve:

In the combined image below (as a new user I can only include 1 embedded item for a while) is my shortcut that is mapped to my action button, basically after 11pm and before 8am when I press the button it calls a shortcut that plays overcast for 10 minutes, any other time it is used for Things.

Also included is the overcast shortcut, that ensures output to AirPods (so it doesn’t play through speaker), plays overcast and sets a sleep timer for 600 seconds.

And finally the Things shortcut that is called, I’m sure an easier approach exists, however this one works for what I want. First it tries voice to text for description and due date, if that fails then it just uses normal keyboard entry.